With the growing interest in finding new ways to enhance both health and appearance, specialists have revived the ancient practice of Face Yoga. This method promises to improve facial structure and boost mental health simultaneously.

If you’re an active person on social media, you’ve likely seen influencers making funny facial expressions, pushing their cheeks with mouths wide open, and using unusual devices on their faces. Don’t worry—social media hasn’t gone crazy yet. This “new old” trend that’s gone viral is called Face Yoga. It promises to rejuvenate your skin, combat wrinkles and fine lines, and promote relaxation. Stick with us in this article as we uncover its origins, benefits, and routines for beginners.

The Face Yoga Origins

The origins of Face Yoga are not entirely clear, but it has been around for centuries. Face exercises can be traced back to Asia, particularly in Traditional Chinese Medicine with the usage of Gua Sha, and ancient Indian practices like Ayurveda, focusing on the connection between body, mind, and spirit. Books such as “Facial Fitness” by Eva Fraser helped to popularize the practice in the 90s, since then Face Yoga has been one of the main techniques when speaking about face care.


The Benefits of Face Yoga

Specialists claim that skincare products alone are insufficient to nourish and protect your skin. While they can help, deeper tissue activation is necessary to efficiently combat wrinkles. Like any other part of your body, the more you train your facial muscles, the stronger and more developed they become. Similarly to other physical activities, the results depend on a long process and consistency. After three to four months, you may start noticing changes in your face structure, with stronger muscles, reduced puffiness, and a slightly slimmer appearance. However, Face Yoga is not only about exercising. It also embraces mental health and mindfulness by boosting your mood and easing symptoms like anxiety and stress, thus improving overall self-care.

Routines for Beginners

Like going to the gym, Face Yoga is not only about lifting weights or making weird facial expressions. These routines can help improve the lines on your face, but they can also make them worse if not done correctly. Think of engaging all your facial muscles at once. Unlike when we train our bodies, the facial muscles are small and extremely interconnected.

Here are a few exercises you can try, especially when you’re on the go, to combat strain and maintain glowing skin:

  •  Start by dropping your mouth and jaw, making an O shape in a relaxed way while looking upwards. Hold this position for ten seconds. This should feel comfortable, bringing a relaxing sensation to your cheeks and eyes.
  •  For the second position, place your index fingers on the corners of your mouth, making a simple smile. Then stick your tongue out, pointing upwards to your nose, and slowly move your tongue to the right and then to the left. Repeat this routine five times.
  •  A simple technique to use daily, in the mornings or before going to sleep, is to position your fists on your forehead and slowly glide them to the sides as if you were washing your face with your fists. In this case, moisturizers and serums are welcome.
  •  To close our series of exercises, let’s focus on the neck area, which is especially effective for travelers. Staying still in the same position for a long time or falling asleep in a plane seat can cause neck tension. Stretch your arms in front of you, put your hands together, and start by moving your chin up, then to both sides while keeping it pointing upwards. Afterward, return to the center, position your chin on your chest look down, and slowly return to the initial neutral position.


We hope this article helped you to get started with Face Yoga and answered your questions about its effectiveness and origins. Follow our tips to begin your routine, in case you’re looking for more exercises and holistic practices to improve your physical and mental health on the go, take a look here!